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For best and fast result we recommend you to use twice in a day or once at night…applying cream and going under sun is not suggested so if you want to apply during day time then make sure you stay at home…..apply this cream as a slight layer of face pack in night after washing your face, check complete steps on How to Use Page.  Although you can use this cream as moisturising cream in Day.

Yes. Avaruni Does not use any kind of harsh ingredients.

No, as it’s an everyday use herbal cream it has no adverse side effects. Since 7 years we are in the market till now no side effect but it varies of skin types

Initially you have to apply it on your Face, Neck, Ears for one month from 2nd month you can start using it on your hands.

Regular usage of this cream and less exposure to sun rays will definitely show you results in    15 days but continuing this product 30 days without single day gap will add 100% results on your skin and you will see even skin tone. 

It is a complete course of 4 to 5 months, however you will see a change in your skin tone every next day and after 5 months you can gradually decrease the usage.

100% effective and guaranteed results

 The day you start using Avaruni Lightening Cream avoid direct sun rays, avoid usage of harsh soap or face wash use only recommended mild soap and face wash by Avaruni. Do not apply cream without washing face and do not rub too much while you wash your face.

Note: – Avaruni Skin Lightening Cream is All in One Solution however the result differs from skin type. Also a Healthy lifestyle is a key factor which includes timely giving your body healthy food and minimum 8 hours of sleep in night helps you reach the desire result.

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